Individuals and enterprises are amassing a larger amount of high-definition video content than ever before. While consumers and professionals are shooting record amounts of footage from mobile devices and dedicated cameras, organizations in the surveillance sector are generating enormous troves of data as a result of a shift to new recording technologies.

In the context of video, storage is becoming a front and center issue for individuals and enterprises. As such, it is vital that both groups have access to the best tools for capture and storage. DIGISTOR Professional Video Series SSDs, available with up to 480 GB of capacity each, are essential for rapidly and quickly capturing uncompressed HD video. Additionally, with so much footage to comb through, data archiving solutions like DIGISTOR REWIND provide an excellent way to store it for the long term.

Writing for VentureBeat, Frank Meehan of SparkLabs Global Ventures argued that eventually organizations such as automobile insurance companies, law firms and governments would regularly review HD video for information related to claims and cases. However, these institutions will hardly be alone in their need to access high-quality footage down the road. SSD drives and archive tools will be critical as consumers and businesses find new use cases for video.

A recent IHS report provided insight into how large the video data market is becoming. The surveillance business alone may generate more than 400 petabytes of data in 2013, a figure that could double by 2017.

“HD-compliant products are set to account for an increasing share of video surveillance camera shipments during the next four years,” said IHS surveillance analyst Sam Grinter. “But because each HD camera produces far more data than each standard-definition camera, the quantity of data generated by the surveillance market is growing to massive proportions.”

It will be important for enterprises with similar data volumes to devise scalable, secure storage strategies. Appliances such the DIGISTOR Enterprise Archive help businesses come to terms with mass quantities of archived video and cold data.


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